General Information

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The ICIAR 2004 conference takes place at the Fundação Cupertino de Miranda, Avenida da Boavista, 4245, PORTO, Tel.: 226101189, Fax: 226103412, E-mail: [email protected], Site:

Information Desk

To obtain your bag or register on-site please go to the information desk, situated in the foyer. Any other enquiries can also be obtained here.


Free email facilities are available. Please restrict your use to about 10 minutes per session. Vodafone makes available a Wireless LAN service at the conference site. For those interested in this service, detailed information will be available at the foyer.

Welcome Reception and Banquet

The welcome reception will be at the foyer at 18:00, September 28. To get a taste of our Academy, you must do not miss this event. The Conference Banquet will take place in Casa do Ribeirinho, Largo do Ribeirinho, 12, Matosinhos (Tel.: 229371385). Private bus will take the conference participants to and from the Banquet venue, with the bus leaving from the hotels Fenix, Tuela, and Boa-Vista at 19:45.

Conference Sessions

All the sessions (oral and poster) takes place in the ground floor of the conference venue (see the venue map), with the following distribution: AUDITORIUM 1: Invited talks and Sessions 1, 3, …, 19 (odd id numbers); ROOM B: Sessions 2, 4, …, 20 (even id numbers); ROOM A: Poster Sessions. The authors with oral presentations are required to go to the respective room 15 min before the session starts. Each day, all the posters have to be on the boards before 13:00, and withdrawn before 18:30.


ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
Send your comments to [email protected]