Special Sessions

Remote Sensing Image Processing

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A special session on Remote Sensing Image Processing is planned for ICIAR 2006, which will take place in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 18-20 September 2006. While planning the special session, the organizers would like to focus on emerging topics in Image Processing that will significantly influence the research direction in the area of Remote Sensing, particularly to what concerns Earth Observation from space. As data from the new generation of satellite sensors is gradually becoming available, there is a need for new image processing algorithms to cope with the new data. The analysis of hyperspectral and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are two of such examples. Other topics, such as image segmentation, classification, and data fusion, although not new, still pose hard challenges that need to be addressed. The special session is intended for researchers and practitioners interested in image processing for remote sensing, particularly in any of the areas listed bellow:

  • Image enhancement and restoration
  • Image Segmentation & Edge Detection
  • Change Detection
  • Clustering & Image Classification Algorithms
  • Registration & Image Matching
  • Image Data Fusion Techniques
  • Multiespectral, Hyperspectral Lidar & SAR Image Processing

Submission procedure

Authors are invited to submit full papers showing original research contributions. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (Springer LNCS). Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the ICIAR 2006 submission system by February 11, 2006, indicating the special session title in their submission. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline February 11, 2006
Extended to February 27, 2006
Notification April 19, 2006
Camera-ready version May 17, 2006
Conference September 18-20, 2006

Special Session Organizers/Chairs

André Marçal
Faculdade Ciências, University of Porto
[email protected]
Jos� Bioucas Dias
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
[email protected]

Brain Imaging

Download Call for Papers [PDF 20KB]

The ICIAR conferences are known to be a scientific forum in the area of image processing with cross-disciplinary component where many different applications are invited to be represented.

With the recent advances in medical imaging and biosignal acquisition and their incorporation on the new generation of brain scanning and EEG equipment a new �hot� research topic in the imaging processing community has emerged - Brain Imaging. This topic covers from traditional brain CT/MRI sequence processing to new high-field functional MRI datasets analysis passing through new digital video-EEG processing techniques and multimodal brain data fusion. From the neuroscience side, these new techniques have been showing promising results in many different areas, from early detection of the Alzheimer disease to more precise functional lesion 3D localization that has a major impact in patient treatments and surgery.

The idea of the current proposal is to gather a group of multi-disciplinary speakers and promote a scientific session that brings to the ICIAR 2006 the state of the art techniques available and under development and the newest neuroscience applications of these techniques.

Submission procedure

Authors are invited to submit full papers showing original research contributions. The conference proceedings is planned to be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (Springer LNCS). Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the ICIAR 2006 submission system by February 11, 2006, indicating the special session title in their submission. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline February 11, 2006
Extended to February 27, 2006
Notification April 19, 2006
Camera-ready version May 17, 2006
Conference September 18-20, 2006

Special Session Organizers/Chairs

Jo�o Paulo Silva Cunha, PhD
IEETA/University of Aveiro
[email protected]


ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
Send your comments to [email protected]