Montreal, Canada

ICIAR 2007 will be held in Montreal, Canada. Montreal is the second largest city in Canada, and is one of Canada's most unique and lively cities. With its rich history and French culture, Montreal is a mixture of old and new.

Check Tourisme Montr�al for tourism information


ICIAR 2007 will be held at Polytechnique Montr�al, which is one of Canada�s leading engineering schools. Polytechnique is located on the northern slope of Mount Royal, in the very heart of Montr�al.

© Productions punch inc.
2900, boul. �douard-Montpetit
Universit� de Montr�al Campus
2500, Chemin de Polytechnique
Montr�al, Qu�bec
Canada H3T 1J4

The conference will be held in the Claudette-MacKay-Lassonde and Pierre-Lassonde buildings.

ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
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