Association for Image and Machine Intelligence

Conference Registration Fees

* All prices are quoted in Euros
Before or On
April 25, 2008
April 25, 2008
Regular Registration Fee (1,4)
Second Paper (or more) (2)
Student Registration Fee (3,4)
Each additional page
(maximum 2 additional pages per paper)
Extra Proceedings (one volume)
Lunch ticket (one meal) (4)
Extra Banquet ticket
Extra Reception ticket

  1. Authors of accepted papers must register by April 1, 2008, to have their papers included in the proceedings.
    Fee includes: Paper Registration (x1), Proceedings (x1), Reception (x1), and Banquet (x1).
  2. Second paper (or more) from the same author(s).
    Each extra paper registration can be used as the registration of one student.
    Fee includes: Paper Registration (x1) and, if used to register a student, Reception (x1).
  3. Cannot be used as the required registration for an accepted paper.
    Please attach to the registration fax a proof of student status (e.g. Student ID or letter from department).
    Fee includes: Student Registration (x1) and Reception (x1). Does not include Proceedings or Banquet.
  4. The registration fees (both regular and student fees) do not include the lunches.

Acceptable payment methods

  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express only)
  • Cheque in Euros and drawn on a Portuguese bank made payable to ICIAR 2008 (please send the cheque by surface mail to the address below)

Registration Instructions

  1. Login to the conference management system.
  2. Follow the link to "Register as participant".
  3. Skip the first step by clicking "Next".
  4. Fill the registration form by selecting registration items.
  5. Select the payment method: "Credit Card" or "Cheque".
  6. If paying by credit card, fill the credit card information, then click "Next".
  7. Review the registration summary and total fee, then click "Confirm".
  8. On the registration details page, click "Print Registration Form".
  9. Print the form and sign it.
  10. Send the form back to the ICIAR 2008 secretariat either by Fax: +351.225081624 or send a scanned copy by email to: [email protected]
    (authors must fax this form back by April 1, 2008)
  11. If paying by cheque, make a cheque with the total fee in EUROS made payable to "ICIAR 2008" and send it by surface mail together with the original registration form to the conference secretariat at:
    ICIAR 2008 Secretariat
    INEB � Campus da FEUP
    Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
    4200-465 Porto, Portugal

    Note: In order to guarantee that your paper is included in the proceedings, make sure the cheque arrives at the conference secretariat before April 1. We suggest you send it by fast express mail.

  12. When we process your payment, your credit card will be charged with the total fee, and you will get a confirmation by email. If your option was to pay by cheque, you will get a confirmation by email when we process the cheque.
  13. Paper receipts will be provided at the conference.

Refund Policy

All cancellations and requests for refunds MUST be submitted in writing by the appropriate dates. Email requests to [email protected] must be received by the following date:

By June 1, 2008
Full refund. A �50 processing fee will be charged.

After June 1, 2008
No refund will be provided.

No refunds for participants with registered papers.

Refund requests will be processed and issued within four to six week AFTER the conference.

ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
Send your comments to [email protected]