International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition

International Conference
on Image Analysis and Recognition

ICIAR 2011
June 22-24, 2011, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Association for Image and Machine Intelligence
International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems - AIS 2011
International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

AIS 2011

June 22-24, 2011
Burnaby, BC, Canada

Student Travel Grants

ICIAR 2011 announces the availability of 8 student travel grants (STG) of $500 (five hundred Canadian dollars) each, to support the travel expenses of students from outside North America. The eligibility criteria for STG are:

  1. to be a full-time student;
  2. have at least one paper accepted;
  3. have registered and presenting a paper (oral or poster) in the conference;

Selection Process

The conference chairs will review the applications, and will have as selection criteria the financial need of the applicant, the geographic diversity at the conference. Preference will be given to students who are first authors of the papers accepted by ICIAR 2011. The grants awarded will be announced before the end of April 2011, and will be reimbursed during the conference.

The interested students have to apply after their paper has been accepted and before March 31, 2011 by sending an email to [email protected] explaining the need of your application and including the following information:

  • Student name (last, first) and email: _____________________________
  • University (name, city, country): _____________________________
  • Paper(s) ID(s): _____________________________
  • Supervisor name (last, first) and email: _____________________________

Note: An online application form may replace application by email at a later date. Check this page back before applying to get up to date information about how to apply.

You need to attach to your email a document signed by the supervisor, certifying you are a full-time student, and that your participation in ICIAR 2011 will be unlikely without the travel support.

Only one student author per paper will be awarded a travel grant. Students who receive a travel grant may be asked to assist the conference organizing committee in the registration desk, support to the audio-visual equipment and similar activities. This assistance will be without interfering in the opportunity to attend most of the oral sessions. Details will be available at the conference.

ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
Send your comments to [email protected]