International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition

International Conference
on Image Analysis and Recognition

ICIAR 2016
July 13-15, 2016 – Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal

ICIAR 2016 is dedicated to the memory of the late Prof. Mohamed Kamel, a founding chair of the conference.

Association for Image and Machine Intelligence

Special Sessions

Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Image Analysis

The session should provide a forum for the dissemination of new research results in the field of cardiovascular image analysis, with special emphasis on efforts related to the applications of computer vision, virtual reality and robotics applied to automated analysis in cardiological imaging problems. Contributing to the basic science of image processing, analysis and use cardiovascular images for these purposes.

The session seeks presenting the New trends and algorithms in cardiovascular image analysis for Magnetic resonance, Ultrasound, Computed tomography, Nuclear medicine, intravascular modalities (OCT,IVUS, NIRS), in Computer Aided Diagnostics (CAD) systems.

Submission procedure

Authors are invited to submit full papers showing original research contributions. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (Springer LNCS). Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the ICIAR 2016 submission system by February 29, 2016 March 7, 2016, selecting the special session topic in their submission. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: February 29, 2016 March 7, 2016
  • Notification: April 4, 2016
  • Camera-ready version: April 15, 2016
  • Conference: July 13-15, 2016

Special Session Chairs

Cesar Veiga
IBI Vigo, Spain
[email protected]

Pablo Tahoces
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
[email protected]

ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
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