International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition

17th International Conference on
Image Analysis and Recognition

ICIAR 2020
24-26 June, 2020 – VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

Association for Image and Machine Intelligence

Program Overview

ICIAR 2020 is the 17th edition of the series of annual conferences on Image Analysis and Recognition, organized, this year, as a virtual conference due to the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 affecting all the world. We would like to invite you to participate in the online sessions of ICIAR 2020 held in June 24-26, 2020.

This Virtual Conference has two parallel tracks, with three invited talks and 73 papers, organized as following:

  1. Opening and Closing sessions;
  2. Three invited talks: 
    • “Towards human-friendly explainable artificial intelligence” by Hani Hagras, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom.
    • “Embedded computer vision and machine learning for drone imaging” by Ioannis Pitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Salonica, Greece.
    • “Deep learning and the future of radiology” by Daniel Rueckert, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
  3. Nine sessions in two parallel tracks: 1 - Image processing and analysis. 2 - Video analysis. 3 - Computer vision. 4 - 3D Computer vision. 5 - Machine learning. 6 - Medical image analysis. 7 - Analysis of histopathology images. 8 - Diagnosis and screening of ophthalmic diseases. 9 - Grand challenge on automatic lung cancer patient management.

The invited talks have a duration of 45 minutes plus 15 min for discussion, using the chat facility of the virtual conference platform. The questions from the audience are moderated by the session chairs.

The sessions are organized in 4 or 5 oral presentations of 15 min. The end of each session, with a duration of 15 min, is reserved for interaction among participants and the authors of the session, using the chat facility of the virtual conference platform. The questions from the audience are moderated by the session chairs.

The LNCS proceedings of the conference will be available online during the conference. The access to the proceedings will be granted to the authors and other registered participants. An overview of the program is in the next table:

ICIAR 2020 Program Overview
Time zone June 24, 2020 Time zone June 25, 2020 Time zone June 26, 2020
GMT +1 Room 1 Room 2 GMT +1 Room 1 Room 2 GMT +1 Room 1 Room 2
10:30-11:45 Machine
Learning 2
Image Processing and Analysis 1
12:00-13:15 Video Analysis 2 3D Computer Vision 12:00-13:15 Image Processing and Analysis 3 LNDb 1
14:00-14:15 Opening
14:30-15:30 Invited talk by 14:30-15:30 Invited talk by 14:30-15:30 Invited talk by
Hani Hagras Ioannis Pitas Daniel Rueckert
15:45-17:00 Machine
Learning 1
Computer Vision 1 15:45-17:00 Image Processing and Analysis 2 Analysis of Histopathology Images 15:45-17:00 Computer Vision 3 DSOD 1
17:15-18:30 Video Analysis 1 Medical Image Analysis 1 17:15-18:45 Machine
Learning 3
Computer Vision 2 17:15-18:45 Medical Image Analysis 2 DSOD 2
LNDb 2
19:00-19:30 Paper Awards and Closing
DSOD - Diagnosis and Screening of Ophthalmic Diseases
LNDb - Grand Challenge on Automatic Lung Cancer Patient Management

The complete program is available at Remember that the official schedule is in Lisbon Time (UTC/GMT +1).


ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition
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