Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- Image Processing and Analysis
- Enhancement and restoration
- Perceptual quality assessment and processing
- Segmentation and feature descriptors
- Color and texture analysis
- Image representation and modeling
- Interpolation, superesolution and mosaicing
- Filtering, digital filters, adaptive filters
- Statistical signal processing
- Wavelets and multiresolution transforms
- Multi-channel image processing
- Nonlinear image processing
- Image and video coding, compression
- Image and video labeling
- Image and video retrieval and indexing
- Watermarking, encryption, security
- Image synthesis
- Computer Vision
- 3D image acquisition and analysis
- Stereo and reconstruction
- Early and low-level vision
- Visual attention
- Motion, tracking and video analysis
- Shape representation and matching
- Computational photography
- Object detection and recognition
- Face recognition
- Gesture recognition
- Fault detection and diagnosis
- Real-time imaging
- Sensors, sensor fusion
- Vison for autonomous driving
- Vison for robotics and SLAM
- Machine Learning
- Mathematical aspects of learning
- Statistical methods
- Syntactical and structural methods
- Classification and clustering
- Supervised and unsupervised learning
- Reinforcement learning
- Deep Learning
- Other learning metods
- Dimensionality reduction
- Fuzzy methods
- Neural network architectures
- Evolutionary computation
- Soft computing techniques
- Medical Image Analysis
- Feature extraction and segmentation
- Volumetric image analysis
- Pathology detection and diagnosis
- Computational anatomy
- Anatomical atlases
- Visualization
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Computer-assisted surgery
- MRI and FMRI image analysis
- Brain imaging
- Image analysis in ophthalmology
- Cardiovascular image analysis
- Optical and confocal microscopy
- Image analysis in biology
- Ultrasound imaging
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Applications
- Biometrics
- Bioinformatics
- Bio-inspired systems
- Intelligent systems
- Data visualization
- Document Processing
- Remote Sensing
- Human-computer interaction
- Security systems, surveillance
- Visual inspection
- Sports
- Hardware implementation
- Embryonics
- SAR sea ice imagery
- Other applications